clevedon literary festival

more than words

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Lest we forget

Early evening on Saturday 13th November, Clevedon Literary Festival is presenting a remembrance event with a difference. Most of us are familiar with the Remembrance

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Privacy Policy

This Policy was last modified on Dec 22 2021


  1. Website: and any sub-domain of the site, owned by Clevedon Literary Festival CIC
  2. GDPR: General Data Protection Regulations (EU)
  3. Data Protection Laws: any applicable laws relating to the processing or personal data, including but not limited to GDPR, for as long as GDPR is applicable
  4. You: any third party accessing this website and not employed by Clevedon Literary Festival CIC
  5. Data: collectively all information you provide via this website. Personal data means any information capable of identifying an individual


Scope of this Privacy Policy

  1. This Privacy Policy applies to you while you use this website
  2. This Privacy Policy applies to our use of any and all data collected by us or provided by you during your use of this website.
  3. This Privacy Policy applies only to the actions of Clevedon Literary Festival CIC and users with respect to this website and event bookings processed through it.
  4. For the purposes of the applicable Data Protection Laws, Clevedon Literary Festival CIC is the Data Controller and determines the purpose for which, and manner, your data is processed.


What data do we collect

  1. We may collect the following data, from you in accordance with our Privacy Policy:
    1. Name, address, date of birth, gender
    2. Contact information such as email or telephone number
    3. Photographs and video of the event and its participants may be taken by the organisers and used later for our publicity purposes


How we collect your data

  1. We collect data in the following ways:
    1. Data given to us by you such as feedback details and payment details
    2. Data is collected automatically
    3. By photographers we have arranged to record our events


Data given to us by you

  1. Clevedon Literary Festival CIC will collect your data in various ways:
    1. When you contact us through the website, by post, by email or other means such as booking events
    2. When you make payments to us through this website or otherwise
    3. When you use our services
    4. When you give us feedback
    5. When you subscribe to our newsletter


Data that is collected automatically

  1. To the extent you use our website, we will collect your data automatically eg.
    1. We automatically collect data when you use our website to help us improve content and user navigation. This may include your IP address, date, times, and frequency you access our website and the way you use and interact with the content.


How we use your data

  1. Any or all of the data we collect may be required to provide the best service and experience when using our website. Specifically, data may be used by us for the following purposes, and in each case, in accordance with our Privacy Policy
    1. Internal record keeping
    2. Payment processing
    3. Event safety purposes
    4. Event promotion
  2. We may use your data for the above purposes and for our legitimate interests. If you are dissatisfied, you have the right to object in certain circumstances, see Your Rights below


Who we share your data with

  1. We do not sell personal information on to any third parties.
  2. We may share your data with the following for the reasons given and in accordance with this Privacy Policy: Stewards and other people who help run our events for event safety purposes


How we keep your data secure

  1. We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data including the use of encryption technology but cannot guarantee the security of any data you disclose online.
  2. You accept the inherent security implications of sending information over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless we have been negligent.
  3. Some of your payment card details are held separately by our payment service provider Ticket Source and we have no access to this data
  4. If you suspect any misuse or loss or unauthorised access of your data, please contact us via our email address below


Data Retention

  1. We will hold your data long enough to fulfil the purpose it was collected as outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless permitted or required by law to hold your data longer, or until you request your data be deleted. This includes for the purpose of accounting, reporting and to prevent fraud and to enforce our terms and conditions


Your Rights

  1. You have the following rights in relation to your data:
    1. Right to access – right to request copies of the data we hold about you. Where we are legally permitted, we may refuse your request but will tell you the reason why.
    2. Right to correct – if the data we hold is inaccurate or incomplete
    3. Right to erase – that we delete your data from our systems
    4. Right to restrict our use of your data
    5. Right to data portability – request we copy, move, transfer your data
    6. Right to object – to how we use your data including where we use it for legitimate purposes
  2. To exercise your rights, please email us using the email address below
  3. If you are unhappy with how we deal with your request or complaint, you may contact The Information Commissioners Office (ICO), their website is


Links to other website

  1. This website may provide links to other website. We have no control over such websites and not responsible for their content. Our Privacy Policy does not cover your use of other websites and you are advised to read the Privacy Policy for those other sites should you visit them.



  1. You may not transfer your rights under this privacy policy to another person. We may transfer our rights under this Privacy Policy where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected
  2. This agreement will be governed and interpreted according to the laws of England and all disputes arising under the agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

  1. Clevedon Literary Festival CIC reserve the rights to change this Privacy Policy as we deem necessary or are required by law. Any changes will be posted on our website and you are deemed to have accepted the amended terms on your first use of our website following any changes.


Contact Us

  1. If you have any questions about this Policy, please feel free to contact us at

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